Product photography is probably the most important factor to consider when you want to sell your products online. Studies show that 65% of people are visual learners, so why not invest in drawing attention to your product with good quality photos.
You may have a similar product to that of your competitor, but the photography of your product could very well be deciding factor when it comes to the buyer making their purchase decision. Great photography sets the buyer’s expectation, which will prevent returns post-sale.
You need to see your product photography as part of building your brand, and it is a long-term investment as you could re-use your photos on all digital channels such as Moksi and on your social media platforms.
Product photography is a skill, but you don’t necessarily need to be a professional photographer to get it right. Here are a few simple tips for you to make the best of your product photography:
Prepare your product
You need to make sure that your product is spotless. Remove all fingerprints and clean your camera lens. Also, take note of the background and ensure it is tidy and compliments and contrasts your product.
Take more than one photo
Potential buyers want to see angles before investing in your product. The more photos you take the more options you have to pick the best ones. Shooting at an angle rather than straight on will show depth. Go as close to the product as possible and focus on the middle of the product.
Use the best camera in the house
Thanks to smartphone technology your phone camera is perfectly fine to take good quality photos. Be careful of sending photos to your computer via WhatsApp as it may reduce the quality.
Lighting is everything
We are assuming you don’t have a full spec of professional lights. So, sunlight is your best friend. Make sure you always take photos during the day, where you can get the most natural light on your product. Avoid using the flash function on your phone as far as possible. You can also use artificial light such as candles or fire to create a softer look. You can also use whiteboards or white cloth reflectors to soften shadows.
The background sets the tone
Leonardo da Vinci said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Keep this in mind for your background and ensure a neutral look. Avoid colours that are too bright, clutter and prints. Be practical about this. A white product on a white product will not work, so use a solid colour behind your product. Simply use a box with material draped over it to create a very professional studio look.
Be consistent
If you have more than one product on one digital platform, be consistent in how you take the photos. Invest in a tripod as your business grows to help you standardize your angles and orientation. Also, decide upfront if you will be using portrait or sweep mode and stick to it. Your product photography speaks of your brand, and you want to set a consistent tone for all your products.
And if all else fails, you can call in the help of a professional to assist you with your photography. Gauteng-based Creators can contact Rodney from Inklight Studio at [email protected].