Just Peachy - Bath Bombs - Moksi

Just Peachy – Bath Bombs

Just Peachy – bath bombs now out in a sweet subtle blend mixed with both Peaches and Pina colada.


In Stock: 10


Creator: EL ROI - bath products
Estimated delivery between 24/05/2024 - 28/05/2024

Just Peachy – bath bombs are now in a sweet, subtle blend mixed with Peaches and Pina colada. Simple, pastel, light and airy, but sweet to the smell. Subtropical sense also with the coconut (Pina colada) that also comes through these bombs. Added with extra kaolin clay and Epsom salts for your skin are added to each bomb. Homemade with love and holidays on our minds. Each bomb comes in a Large size of 6.0cm and is individually wrapped in shrink wrap for their protection.

By El Roi

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